How Often To Read Tarot Cards

So, you are interested in Tarot readings. One of the questions most asked is how often you should get a reading. Some Tarot readers advise waiting at least six months before requesting an additional reading about the same topic. For instance, if you get a Tarot reading about your romantic relationship, you should wait a few months before consulting Tarot about the relationship. There are some exceptions.

If you have had a major change in the circumstances since the last reading, requesting another consultation is OK. There are several reasons why you want to avoid a daily Tarot reading. For some, it can become a challenge to make decisions without consulting the Tarot. The cards are a great way to learn more about situations in your life, but shouldn't be used to make decisions.

When you use the cards to empower you instead of giving the power to the cards, you have a distinct advantage. Daily Tarot readings, or even weekly readings about the same topic, can also be confusing instead of helpful. On the other hand, getting readings about different topics is a good way to focus your questions and get the most from your Tarot consultation. Well formed questions are one of the best ways to learn more about your situation. You can ask different questions about different topics as frequently as you would like, or you can opt for a general reading that allows different aspects of your life to come out naturally in your Tarot reading.


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