Tarot Card Meanings in a Nutshell: The Meanings of the Tarot Trumps

This is my unique perspective on each of the Tarot majors, called Tarot Trumps, and their associated meanings.

Even though I may have only one or two meanings listed, most Tarot card meanings include a diverse range of interpretations. It is up to the Tarot card reader to decide which meaning is intended by the cards based on the spread. In a nutshell, these interpretations are just one way to look at each of these cards!

0: The Fool
Meanings: You are being kept in the dark about something; naive; A new beginning.

1: The Magician
Meanings: A smooth talker, a car salesman; Getting things done through willpower.

2: The Priestess
Meanings: A mystery; A hidden but influential woman.

3: The Empress
Meanings: The tiger mother; The woman of the house. Nurture the things you are asking about.

4: The Emperor
Meanings: Success. An influential man in your life, your father.

5: The Hierophant
Meanings: Marriage, religion, cultural heritage and knowledge, adhering to tradition.

6: The Lovers
Meanings: Love, choices. Opposites.

7: Chariot
Meanings: Going on a trip, taking a drive, travel in general. The card of success, though it may be hard-won.

8. Lust or Strength
Meanings: You are in control. Don't force the issue; keep your cool.

9. Hermit
Meanings: Your too focused, you can't see the forest for the trees. No electricity. Looking for answers. Intelligence, the Seeker.

10. Wheel of Fortune
Meanings: A change is coming, for better or for worse.

11. Adjustment or Justice
Meanings: Things are balanced. Internal focus. Everything will work out. Karma.

12. The Hanged Man
Meanings: You don't know the truth of the situation yet, just wait and it will come. Waiting in general. Sacrifice.

13. Death
Meanings: One thing is ending, another is beginning.

14: Art or Temperance
Meanings: Very positive card in general, wishes will come true.

15: The Devil
Meanings: Permanence (like marriage), sex, fun. Addictions.

16: Tower
Meanings: The truth.

17: The Star
Meanings: Hope. The loving, comforting mother or a beloved woman in your life.

18: The Moon
Meanings: Confusion.

19: The Sun
Meanings: Kids, happiness.

20: The Aeon or Judgement
Meanings: An awakening. Moving forward.

21: The World
Meanings: You are on the right path, keep going!


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