Tarot Warnings: When The Cards Just Say No

Reading Tarot isn't always cheery, despite my best efforts to look at things in a positive light. Sometimes, the cards just say no to whatever you want to happen. I think it is important to always try your best to achieve your goals, however. Even when the Tarot says it just isn't going to happen, if I really want it to happen I try anyway.

I will tell you about something that happens recently that kind of illustrates this point. I usually do a weekly reading for myself about what is going to happen that week, what to look forward to, etc. Just a general Tarot reading that I use for practice and insights in the meanings of the Tarot cards. This week I drew: 10 of Swords, 7 of Swords, and the 8 of cups.

I don't know how much you know about Tarot, but really, not a good looking bunch of cards. In my opinion, the most challenging of this group of Tarot cards is the 7 of Swords, because I have really nothing too positive to associate with it. It is traditionally seen as the card of the thief or the backstabber, but it also refers to being a loner, working hard on research, and gathering information. I usually think of it as a sort of warning that someone is working against me, or at least not working with me, if you know what I mean.

The ten of swords is named Ruin in the Thoth tarot deck. In my opinion, the ten of swords is a card of repetition and cycles, which is one of the ways Mr. Crowley described it, as well as being a warning card that says "Hey, you have hit rock bottom, now you need to start climbing back up!" I did see a positive in the 8 of cups in this Tarot card reading. When I read these three cards as a sentence, perhaps the 8 of cups is telling me that I will be moving away from the more negative ideas expressed by the ten of swords and the seven of swords. Traditionally, the Tarot card meaning of the 8 of cups is leaving one thing behind for something else. (At least, that is one interpretation)

So, what happened? I needed to get some important paperwork done that required a payment. Everything was ready, I had all the paperwork in order, and the money in my account. I got everything done in the office, had a wonderfully nice attendant, but then...my bank's debit system was down and my payment wouldn't go through. Went to the ATM to get cash, that didn't work either.

Since it was one hour to closing, I did indeed give up on the entire thing and go home with a plan to come back at the end of the week. Sometimes, I should just stay in bed when I get cards that I know mean there is little chance of things going right! But, there is always the chance that the Tarot card reading is showing something unconnected or a separate event. Trying to control your own life, despite what the cards might say, is usually wise, at least in my opinion.


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