The Sad, the Bad, the Grievous

Sometimes when my life is particularly boring and I do a Tarot reading for myself, other people's lives will show up in the cards. I usually won't know who the cards are telling me about but it is usually evident when the event that happens, happens. Recently I drew this spread:

Devil Death Sun

I really had to stop and realize that this wasn't a happy reading. The Sun at the end may, at least initially, give you the idea that there is a happy ending but in this case I assumed that it was implying a sudden and unexpected death. Literal, physical death isn't something that I would usually see but it definitely happened. In this case, it was the wife of a close friend of the family who was under a lot of stress (The Devil) and had a sudden, unexpected heart attack (The Sun) and passed away (Death).

I have heard a lot of Tarot readers say things like physical death must be supported by cards like the 10 of Swords or the 5 of Cups (the traditional card of a funeral) but the reality is that Tarot readers are each unique people who interpret the cards based on their personal experience. There isn't a set-in-stone way of interpreting the cards. Sometimes, what feels right is right whether traditional meanings are supported by the interpretation or not.

While I would never assume that physical death was the first, or best, interpretation for a set of cards, in this case I did keep my family home all weekend and generally acted a little paranoid. When the sad, the bad or the grievous cards show up, taking a few steps on the side of caution isn't too odd, is it?


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