The Moon Card

The Moon, like many other Tarot cards, is very complex, and I really don't think I can cover it all here. Like the night, you can't see everything that is hidden at this card at once. In my experience, the Moon is both madness and creativity, which traditionally go hand-in-hand. Some people thrive in the darkness, creating stunning works of art, writing novels under the cover of darkness. The Moon card is emotional, and in my opinion, represents both dark and light. Other times, the Moon card means moving without really knowing where you are going. Imagine the game Clue. You know that someone has been murdered, but you don't know who the killer is. Instead of waiting for the facts, you immediately panic, gather those closest to you, and head for the exit. What you don't know is that one of the people you are dragging along with you is the killer, a real psychopath who is reveling in their misdeeds and who is amused your misplaced trust. The Moon is the panic that cau...